Lydia Thomas and Florian Merkel for the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025
CHANGER is an interactive project by Lydia Thomas and Florian Merkel in Chemnitz city center: at Johannisplatz/Straße der Nationen and in front of the Stadthalle. Constantly changing exhibitions will be presented in two mysterious changing rooms from outdoor swimming pools until mid-July 2024.
Everyone, who is willing to accept the rules of the exhibition project, is invited to take part in the CHANGER, regardless of origin, age, gender, profession or world view. The CHANGER thrives on the constant change of objects presented in the booths. You have the opportunity to exchange a work exhibited in the CHANGER for another artistic work of any kind that you may have created, but which does not necessarily have to be yours. However, you should have the rights to it. By doing so, you agree that your work will be available for the next exchange. The aim is to have a weekly rotation.
The works shown in the CHANGER should be appropriate to the space in the booth, meet certain artistic standards in their appearance and be in line with the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Every exhibited work will be documented. The pavilion at the youth hostel one at Getreidemarkt Chemnitz will become our information centre and show the progress of the project.
If you are interested, please write us an email or call us at 0152 34619873. We will then make an appointment for viewing and handover, whereby we reserve the right to make a selection.
تقدم لوديا توماس وفلوريان ميركل معارض تعتمد على التبادل الأعمال الفنية المجاني المستمر في غرفتي تغيير الملابس المعاد تشكيلها وسط مدينة كيمنتس. جميع الأشخاص المهتمين مدعوون للمشاركة، بغض النظر عن الأصل والعمر والجنس والمهنة والنظرة العالمية، والذين هم على استعداد للمشاركة في طرائق المشروع
يمكنك معرفة كيفية الوصول إلى هناك على المواقع الإلكترونية المتوفرة
مركز المعلومات الخاص بنا eins Jugendherberge سيصبح الدوار الموجود في نزل